Archive for the ‘multi-media’
February 2nd, 2015
Art Gallery events, Concerts, Events, multi-media |
Comments Off on GREGORY HOSKINS with TINA NEWLOVE: ILLUMINATE ME: A Concert and Live Painting Performance. Two nights: Thursday / Friday, December 1 & 2
GREGORY HOSKINS with TINA NEWLOVE: ILLUMINATE ME: A Concert and Live Painting Performance. Two nights: Thursday /
Friday, December 1 & 2: 8:00pm. $25 door. A concert presentation of songs from acclaimed Canadian recording artist Gregory Hoskins set against a larger-than-life canvas being painted by Tina Newlove and projected over the singer. The evening begins with Hoskins under the stark light of the projected canvas and ends drowning in colour and form. The songs of Hoskins are cool and warm and sorrowful and hopeful all at the same time and the paintings of Newlove are organic and grounded, abstract just enough to make them otherworldly but recognizable. The interactions between painter and singer are unrehearsed and the outcome is unplanned as he makes his way through solo renditions of the songs (with a dose of the “between song asides” he is known for) and Newlove’s projected “Hand of God” applies colour in all its’ drippy mess. The audience gets a taste of the chaos that can lead to form. And that is where the two meet.
September 20th, 2014
Events, Literary Spoken Word, multi-media, Theatre |
Comments Off on Democracy is Dead: Preview: October 14. Runs: October 15 – 18
Democracy is Dead: Subtitled “What are we going to do about it?” Preview: Oct 14. Runs: Oct 15 – 18. 8:00 pm. Tickets: $15.00/
Students/Artists/Seniors $10.00 or Pay What You Can. Democracy is Dead is a new multi-disciplinary, multi- media theatrical work written and directed by Gary Santucci. It is a wake-up call to the generations of the 60’s and 70’s to join the young people of today to begin to repair the damage that we all have caused and allowed to be inflicted on our environment, our institutions and our societies. The work was inspired through and by the cathartic exercise of creating the Pearl Company Arts Centre in Hamilton’s sacrifice zone. We have made this show affordable for all because we want to see you and hear from you! Info & tickets 905 524 0606
CAST: Gary Santucci – Alpha; Rod Mctaggart – Beta; JonGordon Odegaard – Gamma; Greek Chorus: Francis X. Rocchi – Jason; Val Kay – Helen; Robert Inness – Homer; Jolanta Bace – Aphrodite; David Minnick – Euclid; Steve Wilson – Orpheus.
Tickets available online at: (At The door subject to availability) Or from the Ticket Tab at
November 12th, 2013
Cabaret Coffee House, Concerts, Events, multi-media, Theatre |
Comments Off on Cash Grab: Improv: Friday, December 27
Cash Grab: Friday, December 27. 8:00pm $15 /$10 students/arts workers/seniors. Having performed on the stages of Toronto’s Yuk-Yuks, The Second City, and Comedy Bar, Cash Grab represents a new generation of Canadian
comedy – comedians that actually studied comedy in college (the troupe met while enrolled in Humber College’s Comedy: Writing and Performance program). Nominated for the prestigious Tim Sims Encouragement Fund Award, selected to compete in the Fresh Meat competition at The Second City, their biggest highlight to date was writing and performing with former Kids in the Hall star, Dave Foley, at the Humber Fresh Faces Show 2012. A Cash Grab show isn’t just sketch – it’s sketch, stand-up, music and dramatic physical comedy all packed into an hour and a half show of non-stop laughter. “…awesome and memorable… uproarious… mind-bending… Eloquent writers, strong performers, and great at accents, this seven-member troupe ….deliver a fast-paced, high-energy and consistently hilarious set.” Victoria Laberge, Bloody Underrated
May 6th, 2013
Cabaret Coffee House, Concerts, Dance, Events, multi-media, Theatre |
Comments Off on DeMure Productions Presents: Dirty Dancing: The Burlesque! June 15
DeMure Productions Presents: Dirty Dancing: The Burlesque! Saturday, June 15. Doors: 7:30. Show: 8:00. $25 advance, $30 at door unless sold out. (Note: Tickets sold by event organizer; see below.) An All Star Cast of some of Burlesque and Vaudeville’s finest,
paying homage to (arguably) one of the greatest movies of our time! ‘Dirty Dancing’. Performances by: El Toro, Mizzy Thrasher, Red Herring, Bella Barecatt, The Mansfield Brothers, Tahitia Belle Fille, Lucky Minx, Lucky Fremont, Knox Harter, Faeya Tal, Liv Vicariously, London Bridges. Kitten: Whiskey Sour; Emcee: Madam Poynter. All music performed by: Ben Payne and The Cornered Babies
Sponsored by: Playground Conference 2013, DeMure School of Burlesque, Toronto School of Burlesque, Oshawa Laser Supply, Conspiracy Comics, Phoenix Design and Photography, Copy Dog, Homegrown Hamilton.
Win!! Win!! WIN!! Prizes, raffles, amazing entertainment! (Passes for two to Playground Conference 2013, A private Burlesque lesson from DeMure School of Burlesque, Tickets to upcoming burlesque shows, Comic swag, Delicious treats, Autographed memorabilia, And amazing giveaways by our fabulous sponsors! See Trailer:
Get Tickets:
April 16th, 2012
Art Gallery events, Concerts, Dance, Events, Literary Spoken Word, multi-media, Theatre |
Comments Off on ALIGNMENT: May 12
Alignment: Saturday, May 12, 7:00pm start! $15 at the door: A multi-disciplinary event brought to you by PENTA (People Engaging and Networking Through the Arts), Nationless Minds, and the Burlington Slam Project:
Hosted by the dynamic Greg “Ritallin” Frankson, Alignment converges on 2 floors of The Pearl Company and brings you a stellar line-up of performers and artists exploring where various artistic expressions intersect and align with spoken word. Spoken word is getting more attention all the time. Performers like Ian Keteku are at the forefront of this movement and PENTA is happy to have him join their first installation piece “Alignment”. The night will be filled with inspiring talents like Truth Is…, Prufrock, Shadowrunner, Hyf, Brad Morden, Electric Jon, The Burlington 2011 Slam Team, and Komi Olafimihan. Being a PENTA show, these poets will be surrounded by photography, music, film, movement… What better way to experience a painting than to see it made from beginning to end while hearing the influences around it? PENTA fills beautiful spaces with all the senses. Tickets: Available in advance at various spoken word events throughout April in southern Ontario, or contact PENTA at: for online purchase.
February 18th, 2011
Dance, Events, multi-media, Theatre |
Comments Off on REVWear Fashion Show: March 12th, & March 13th
REVWear 8th Annual Fashion Show: Saturday March 12th, and Sunday March 13th, 8:00pm. $12 @
A fashion event unlike any other; all the clothes are made of reused materials, and contrary to the messages promoted by many fashion shows, the theme is Freedom From Oppression. REVWear is an intense art experience that has woven reused, salvaged and found materials into a wearable story of fashion, dynamic performance, installations, multi-media, spoken word, music and dance. All help tell the stories of struggle for a better world.
January 24th, 2011
Concerts, Events, multi-media |
Comments Off on HPO What Next? Festival: Sunday, February 6
The Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra presents What Next? Festival: Sunday, February 6. 1pm, 2pm, 3pm shows. Advance single tickets are only available by calling the HPO box office at 905.526.7756. Single tickets will also be available at the door. 
What Next? is a festival that merges new classical music with genres and mediums from folk to electronic, to video and dance installations by acclaimed artists and performers. Hear it happening.
1pm: Panel Discussion: Dissonance. Why is so much new music so dissonant? How do our bodies and our brains respond to musical sounds? Is our sense of beauty ‘hard-wired’ ? Featuring guests from the McMaster Institute of Music and the Mind, Music Director James Sommerville and festival musicians.
2pm: Kiss On Wood: Chamber music for strings by Kotoka Suzuki, John Zorn, Toru Takemitsu, and James Macmillan. A concert for strings, performed by members of the HPO. Music from around the globe, inspired by nature, pop, cartoons and zen.
3pm: The Attar Project for violin, tabla and dance with Parmela Attariwala and Shawn Mativetsky. The Attar Project, developed by violinist Parmela Attariwala combines the sound worlds of the violin and the Indian percussion instrument the tabla through both improvisational and compositional means that also incorporates dance and South Asian aesthetics. The Attar Project engages both the ears and the eyes and challenges the boundaries between musical genres and artistic practices.
April 20th, 2010
Art Gallery events, Events, multi-media, News and Updates |
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Invitation: The Hungarian Visual Artists of Canada – Opening Reception: Sunday, May 9 from 1 pm – 4 pm. You are cordially invited to the first fine art exhibition in Hamilton Ontario for this vibrant group. Paintings, sculptures, photography, woodcarvings and enamels. The show will be on display from Friday April 30 to Tuesday June 1, 2010.
The association consists of a group of artists who have joined together to promote their work, interest and participation in contemporary visual arts, to encourage each other and to hold exhibitions in Canada and abroad. Their members include painters, sculptors and photographers who work in various media. They believe that art builds bridges between people, generations and nationalities; it serves as a common denominator among economic groups. Art opens people’s minds to new possibilities, provides a foundation for shared experience.
April 6th, 2010
Art Gallery events, Concerts, Events, Film, multi-media, News and Updates |
1 Comment »
Tia McGraff: Saturday, April 24 at 8:00. $20 at the door. With a special guest appearance from Six Nations
Musicians, Sakoieta Wildrick and Tewentahawiht Dawn Antone.
Writing and recording since the age of 19, Tia McGraff’s uplifting, heart-warming songs have been garnering her strong fan acclaim from the start. The Port Dover native headed to Nashville, where she and Tommy Parham quickly became a musical force to be reckoned with. Writing, performing and producing, they have captured the attention and respect of artists, producers and industry insiders.
“Tia McGraff is a fantastic singer with her own vocal personality which reminds me of an early Linda Ronstadt. She is a very intuitive songwriter who knows what a song needs to make it tick. A joy to work with.” – Randy Bachman
” I have seldom run into someone with a gift that needs to be heard as much as Tia. She colors outside the lines, and stands outside of the circle of tuned perfection. Tia McGraff is real and is really needed in today’s marketplace of music.” – Devon O’Day
April 30th, 2009
Events, Literary Spoken Word, multi-media, Theatre |
Comments Off on Artword double bill – Theatre +, May 23
Artword Theatre presents “Theatre +”, a theatrical double-bill based on two fascinating texts. Saturday May 23 at 8:00 pm $10 at the door.
at The Pearl Company, 16 Steven Street.
#1: “One Night, the Rain”, a theatrical adaptation created and performed by actress Aktina Stathaki and pianist Jerome Simeon based on a short story “Maria dos Prazeres” by G.G. Marquez. Maria, a 70-year-old prostitute, is haunted by a dream that she is going to die soon, until one night… Chorus: Paula Grove, Valeri Kay, Tanis MacArthur.
#2: “Langston Hughes vs Joe McCarthy”. Is poetry subversive? In 1953 U.S. Senator Joe McCarthy thought so. Directed by Ronald Weihs, this reading is based on testimony from the US Committee hearing and the poems of renowned Harlem Renaissance poet Langston Hughes. Performed by the Artword Theatre Ensemble. A remount of Artword’s Black History month presentation.
March 10th, 2009
Events, Film, multi-media |
Comments Off on Eco Film & Arts Festival launch, Apr 21 2009
The Hamilton Eco Film and Arts Festival kicks off with a screening of “Manufactured Landscapes”, a film by Jennifer Baichwal, with photographer Edward Burtynsky, who travels the world observing changes in landscapes due to industrial work and manufacturing. Kim and Frank Koren will provide the music for the evening. Doors open at 6:30, screening at 7:30, music at 9:15; admission $15.00. At The Pearl Company, 16 Steven Street, Hamilton
Net proceeds from the festival will establish a fund through Arts Hamilton that will assist local film makers and artists in creating environmentally inspired works.
February 18th, 2009
Events, multi-media |
Comments Off on RevWear fashion show, Feb 28, 2 & 8 pm
On Saturday February 28, 2009 at 2:00 and 8:00 pm, the Sixth Annual RevWear (a.k.a. Revolution Wear) fashion show takes over the runway in the name of community action. Two shows this year, at The Pearl, 16 Steven Street. Call 905-524-0606.
November 4th, 2008
Events, multi-media, News and Updates |
Comments Off on CBC Radio GO! Live from The Pearl, Nov 22
Sat Nov 22 at 10 am: CBC Radio GO! with host Brent Bambury (on air 10 am)
Live from The Pearl: “If Hamilton Were A Country Song”
16 Steven Street at King William, second floor
To find out how to book to be in the studio audience, visit the show’s website, upcoming shows:
September 18th, 2008
Events, multi-media, News and Updates |
Comments Off on Earth Beat Festival, September 20
“Earth Beat in The Park”
Saturday September 20, 1 to 5 p.m. in J.C. Beemer Park bounded by Victoria, Wilson and King William. The Landsdale Area Neighbourhood Association (LANA) and The Pearl Company are presenting a Neighbourhood Fall Festival celebrating an International Theme; Music, Dance, Art Market and more!
 “Earth Beat After-Party”
at Artword @ The Pearl 8:00 p.m. Admission $5,
featuring music and art from around the world – with the focus on the marvelous musicians, dancers and artists who have come from all corners of this crazy universe to land in the City of Hamilton! All welcome! Â
July 24th, 2008
Dance, Events, multi-media, Theatre |
Comments Off on Colombian Summer Art Fiesta, July 26 at 8 pm
Colombian Summer Art Fiesta: Saturday, July 26 at the Pearl Company
starting at 8:00pm to midnight. Cost: $10 at the door. Children free.
The Pearl Company and the Tamarind Tree (a Colombian Artist Collective)Â are pleased to invite you to a Summer Art Fiesta; featuring poetry, arts, crafts, a guitar concert, a Cumbia Folk Dance Group and fresh Colombian coffee, drinks and snacks.
Join Hamilton’s Colombian Community for a splendid evening of cultural entertainment with a Rumba Loca (Mad Party!) to follow. You can win an original Gerardo Mansang art piece or hand-made crafts and jewellery.