60 DAYS OF SUMMER: May 30, 31, June 1
60 DAYS OF SUMMER: Fri, May 30. Sat, May 31. Sun, June 1. Tickets: $10 students. $15 adults. $5 for all tickets on May 30. This Eco Theatre project has emerged from a partnership between Scene Change and Environment Hamilton. 60 Days of Summer is a story is written by local students and teachers which follows the misadventures of a group of students who attempt to live a full summer with no eco-footprint. Earth is personified through song and movement. Packed with interpersonal tensions, dream sequences and plot twists, the outcome is not what the students expect.
“60 days of Summer takes us on a theatrical adventure where young people challenge themselves to leave “no impact”on the earth – not just for “Earth hour”- but for an entire summer. The variety of backgrounds and world experiences in this diverse cast allows them to explore some tough questions about the price of climate change and who pays. Infused with music, dance, and eco-inventions – the play has something for everyone in this fun, at times wacky, but ultimately inspiring production. Leaving “no-impact” on the earth – leaves a lasting impact on the audience!” ~ Catherine Silverglen (OCT)
Times: Fri, May 30 @ 12:30pm.
Sat, May 31 @7pm.
Sun, June 1 @ 2:30pm.
Scene Change theatre projects tell stories about inspiring young people who step up to the plate and do what they can do to build a more just and compassionate world. These stories help us re-imagine what the world can look like and remind us of the great things we can do in the world.
“60 Days of Summer is an inspiring and thought-provoking story of the ups and downs of young people exploring their relationship with the Earth. With many elements in the production, the experience is riveting, hilarious, and enjoyable for all. The embedded message encourages students to take a step in becoming more aware of the Earth….” ~ Hira Nadeem (Westmount Secondary School student).
The primary target group for this project is high school students, but students younger and older than the target group are also in view. The value of the project is two-fold: 1) Experiential learning and empowerment through writing, production and performances; 2) Inspiring eco awareness and action through a theatre experience that can awaken new interest and motivation. About the play: Phase One was a research and writing process (spring ’13) with students. Phase Two is auditions that are open to all high school aged students (Feb 22, 2014). Phase Three is the production process. Phase Four is a premiere followed by performances with interested schools and community groups (spring ’14 and beyond). The script and production will have strong theatrical integrity and a style that engages, entertains and inspires students.